24 Day Challenge!

Greetings Everyone!!

Sorry for being MIA on my blog, but I have hit a wall. When I went on vacation a couple of weeks ago, my motivation went too. Sadly when I had to go back into the real world after my vacation, my motivation didn’t come with me.  I know my motivation is out there somewhere and I hope she returns soon b/c I’m taking on another challenge. 


24 Day Challenge!



Yes another challenge.I’m not going to go into much detail about the challenge , but I will be doing weekly updates and if all goes well I will give you more information about what I’m doing.  I will be running and doing my 21 day fix workouts, but I’m renaming it and calling it the 24 Day fix.

I’m planning ahead and looking forward to the challenge. I have never done anything like this before, so this will be fun and interesting at the same time.


Wish me luck!!!



Weekly Weigh-in Report

Weekly Weigh-in Report

I started T25 Alpha and added C25K into the mix. I run three days a week and I do T25 6 days.  My first week was a success and I lost 2.2 pounds.  I really love running in the mornings b/c its very peaceful and it’s just an amazing feeling. Looking forward to the second week!!!





New Challenge! New Goals!

I started T25 Alpha this morning and I will be doing T25 for the next 90 days.

1) Alpha for 60 Days

2) Beta for 60 Days

3) Gamma for 60 Days

I will be taking a  Before and After photos, taking measurements doesn’t work for me b/c at the end of the challenge the numbers are off.

Not only am I going to be doing the T25 for the next 90 Days, I will be running three to four days a week.

I truly love the T25 program and I’m excited to start all over!

My running is getting better each day, I ran for 3 minutes straight which is really big for me. I feel myself getting stronger and I’m pushing myself to do more b/c I know I can.


Starting Weight 223

Goal Weight after completing 90 Days of T25: 193







My New Workout Challenge!

My New Workout Challenge!

I’m putting my own little spin on this new challenge. I’m not doing the meal plan as of yet, but I will. Instead of doing 21 days of working out, I will be pushing myself to do 31 days. This is a big challenge b/c I have to workout 7 days a week, T25 was 5 days a week. I can do this!!!

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Current Weight: 230

Chest: 43 1/2

Thigh: 28

Arm: 13 1/2

Waist: 42 1/2

My 60 Day Journey with Shaun T!

My 60 Day Journey with Shaun T!

In January I brought a challenge pack from Beachbody and it changed by life. I brought Shaun T’s T25 Focus DVD workout and Chocolate Shakelology. I have tons and tons of workout dvds that I would buy then sale or never use. This 60 day challenge was big for me and even though it was 25 minutes a day I’m not the type of person to stick with something. I would start something and then I would never finish and that goes for everything.

When I went into this I prayed and thank God every day for pushing me and reminding me why I started this journey. I don’t want to start my New Year doing another Weight Loss Resolution, I want to be able to start 2015 with new goals.  I had hard time seeing and feeling that I was worth the time, but I am worth the time. My 8 year old sees me each day and I want to set a good example for him. My son needs me and I was close to death, at 257 pounds I was making an early grave.

Before I started this journey January 1st, my meals would be sugar. I would go to Chick Fil A, Taco Bell, Chipotle multiple times, that’s sick. Below would be my normal day. I didn’t want to share, but God has laid it on my heart to share fully and honestly about journey.

Morning: McDonalds or Chick Fil A ( SODA early in the morning)

Lunch: Fast food and more soda and I would also go by Walgreen to pick up two bottles of soda so I can have one after lunch and one for home. I would also pick up chocolate and if it was by 3 for $5 I would do it. The sad thing is I would eat all the chocolate before getting home.

Dinner: Fast Food or I would make something at home that wasn’t healthy, but majority of the time it was fast food.

I would feel dizzy and tired all the time and sometimes my heart would beat fast for no reason. I ate b/c it was my drug, I ate b/c it made me feel better, I ate b/c I didn’t love myself, I ate b/c I was holding on to the past, I ate b/c I felt broken.  As a woman of God I needed him, but I used food to heal my pain. When I finally realized that I needed to put God at the front lines everything fell into place. I still struggle, this is an addiction and there is no overnight recovery. I will be going head to head with this addiction each day, but now I have God at the front lines fighting for me. Exercising is hard, eating healthy is hard, but everything in life is hard. God told me to document my journey so that I can help others and I pray that my journey encourages and motivates you. You can do it! You are WORTH IT and You are LOVED!

I started my journey in February with T25 and unfortunately my measurements were not taken correctly by my mom, so I didn’t continue with taking the measurements. As of today I have lost 17 pounds from using T25, but my total weight lost from January 1st to now is 27 pounds.  

Every small step toward a healthier future is one step closer to your goal. There will be days that you don’t want to eat healthy, but that’s ok just remember why you started and go harder the next day.

Week 1 of Starting Couch to 5K

Day 1 of Starting Couch to 5K!!

I finally started my Couch to 5K and it felt good to get back out there, but I really need to get some better workout clothes. It was really nice to get outside and let Zay ride his bike while I did my run/walk. I did miss my music b/c listening to some music makes me push harder.

Day 2 of Starting Couch to 5K!!

Today I did the couch to 5k with my niece Emmy. It was fun b/c she would tell me to walk and then run. I have completed two days and tomorrow is Friday and I’m going to try to get a run in before I leave for the beach. I have along way to go, but I’m going to get there. My goal is to run a full 5k without walking, I know I can do it.

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Day 3 of Starting Couch to 5K!!

The C25K says to do the program 3 days a week and I completed by first week last Friday. The first week was challenging, but it was a workout and I enjoyed it. I need to push myself. I think I will be completing week 1 again this week b/c I just want to really work my way up and I don’t want to rush into it. I know what my body can and cannot do.